Boto Blog

This is NOT fine: business mistakes of a classic doggy meme

It’s especially easy in 2022 for an entrepreneur/team lead to relate with the dog. You can sense heat, smoke, and burnt coffee all the time, and BOTO Team is no different. We suffer from the same desperation and burnouts but try to make it work in our favor. Adding our own experience to pre-war developments we arranged a new shiny checklist. It’s intended to help preserve your team or, who knows, transform it into something nice. Are there any nice things still around?

Fine again

Crisis managing your team in 2022

We collected some practical tips for founders and team leads. However, anyone might find something useful or even, inconspicuously drop the link for your founder to read (don’t forget to wink feverishly).

Point 1. Don’t sit in a fire

Apply airplane logic: put the mask on yourself before doing this with your kids (or business kids at this point).

✔️ Work with your anxiety/depression/fatigue before going public. Therapy, yoga, Fortnite – whatever works for you.

Point 2. Don’t say “it’s fine”

It’s not a good time to play “it’s fine” and even worse for silencing existing issues. When a bear with chainsaw hands is about to attack, it’s nice to be at least informed.

More expired memes! Moaaaar!

✔️ Inform your team about all the corporate changes and updates in advance. No matter how astonishing are your leadership skills, your recruits have to decide some things for themselves.
✔️ “We had a bag of unfinished projects, 26 expired Trello tickets, and a whole galaxy of unfinished landing pages”. Focus on existing tasks, big and small – something set in stone is quite comforting at the age of total uncertainty.
✔️ Money is a topic of its own. Every team member needs to receive updates as soon as you get them for sweet-sweet financial planning. Inform people even if some hiccups are just a possibility. No one will get mad if the money arrives in time.

Point 3. Don’t sit alone (drinking coffee (in a fire))

1-2-1 meetings, feedback, and constant communication might come in handy.

✔️ Structure and planning make the difference between 1-2-1’s and “Wassup my dude?” – think of the agenda and key points before the meeting.
✔️ At the meeting split upcoming tasks into smaller chunks. That helps to move in sprints or iterations and increases efficiency and basic morale.
✔️ Ask your teammates to sum up all the tasks in a follow-up report. 1-2-1 discussion is now a document and documents are tight! It would be nice of you not just to receive the report but read it either. Oh yeah, the report will become a great recap for the next meeting.
✔️ As long as your employees are not Boston Dynamics murderbots, add some personal touch. Ask “Are you okay”, validate feelings (”I am also anxious and it’s okay”), and ask if you can help. Keep yourself away from amateur psychoanalysis – this never works as planned. What does work is to run through your own fails – show your teammates that mistakes are OK if you learn from them. For example, tell you learned what 1-2-1 is from some checklist on the internet.
✔️ Collect feedback. Arrange a safe space for whining, no matter if it’s a Google Form or a special mailbox. Respond to the feedback. In case it’s anonymous, do it through mass newsletters or meetings – let the crowd hide your tipper.
✔️ Keep people in touch. The best practice here is a regular newsletter about your corporate shenanigans. Stay informative without too many metaphors, pathos, or fake optimism. Be a good Spice Girl and tell people what they really really want. Stick to the facts and crucial details to avoid misunderstanding. No time for e-mails? First of all, come on!!! Secondly, there are plenty of formats like Q&A’s or demo days.

Point 4. Look beyond the frame

It’s a great time (okay, FINE time) to learn more about those people around you. Go beyond the “Corporate Themes 1995” textbook.

✔️ Gamified formats work the best. Try something like Random Coffee, where 2 random teammates go for coffee (duh) and hopefully some chat.
✔️ Start your meetings with Check-ins. Through a random question like “What are you dreaming about?” or “Why on Earth is Disney so brutal with Star Wars fans”. It helps to rewire your brain a little bit. Some answers might be interesting as well.
✔️ Start a digital coworking in Discord (or its god-awful knock-offs). It must be different from mandatory calls - with rooms teammates can come and go at their will. Don’t forget to create the room for non-work banter.
✔️ Get some friends from different companies. Run some joint events or sessions, and share Shutterstock passwords or personal experiences. It’s always easier to give advice - so this might be insightful to look at a different dog on fire.

Point 5. Stop staring at old memes

It’s time for something fresh to happen.

✔️ If previous tips landed well, people around are probably appreciating you as the best leader in town. Now they have all the motivation to keep the company afloat. Brainstorm with your teams. We came as far as to google different brainstorming types for you. Hell, we are just awesome!
✔️ Stop right there if your idea of brainstorming is a huge discussion involving every team member. Human centipedes are useless even when they look fun. Split into smaller groups or even “creative pairs” (shoutout to cocked-up marketing teams from Madmen). Don’t forget to set some deadlines, ticking clocks boost creativity.
✔️ Craft your teams the way some fresh ideas might emerge. So don’t pair two designers if you don’t want some generic Lorem Ipsum. Mate people from different departments for some exciting creative chimeras.

In order to figure out if your company is ready for something groundbreaking or just assess your team's lack of desirable performance, сheck this landing page. Here we brag over some cool diagnostic tools we created.